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Map Layers Application

Since 1970 a large amount of data has been collected in the Angas Bremer (Langhorne Creek) district. The Angas Bremer Water Management Committee is working to ensure that this data is used and that everyone knows that this data has been collected, that all of the data is easily accessible and that time and dollars are not wasted in the future, by duplicating data-collection work that has already been done.

The Angas Bremer Map Layers application interactively provides over 300 layers of information and data collected in the Angas Bremer district since 1979.

Use of these map layers:
In the map on the next screen, move the map around the screen (pan) by left-clicking within the map, holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse. To change magnification, use the mouse scroll-wheel or click on the "zoom in" and "zoom out" buttons. Select each map layer that you wish to view by clicking in the box next to the name of the layer. Click on features within the map and information will appear below the map.

COPYRIGHT These maps have been prepared to disseminate information. Consistent with this goal, the copying and wide distribution of the link to this website and of this material is encouraged. The map information is also available in electronic form on the Angas Bremer Map Layers computer disc dated September 2009

DISCLAIMER The Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, its employees and servants do not warrant or make any representation regarding the use, or results of use of the information contained herein as to its correctness, accuracy, currency or otherwise. The Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, its employees and servants expressly disclaim all liability or responsibility to any person using the information or advice contained herein.

Funding for this project was provided through the "Community Stream Sampling and Salinity Mapping in the Murray Darling Basin Project", administered by the Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS), of the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF).
GIS map project by Spatial Information Systems, PIRSA, Penny Baldock and Paul Tretheway
GIS software by Teik Oh, Fluffy Software P/L

To use GeoICE you will need Java 6. Your web browser does not seem to support this. Java can be freely downloaded from http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp. Select the Java SE Runtime Environment. Perhaps more conveniently you may find a suitable version with this installer. When you have installed Java try again.
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